
WU Tinghai
Tel: 86-10-62786507
Fax: 86-10-62783328
E-mail: [email protected]


Urban and  Regional Planning

Urban  Geography

Urban History  and Regional Culture



Doctor of  Philosophy in Engineering (Urban Planning and Design), School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1999

Master of  Human geography (Urban and Regional Planning),Department of Geography,  Nanjing University, 1995

Bachelor of  Economic geography and urban & rural Planning, Department of Geography,  Nanjing University, 1992

Visiting  Scholar (07/2004-01/2005), MIT, Boston, USA

Visiting  Scholar (02/2000-04/2000), Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK



Associate  Professor (11/2002- present), School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China

National  Registered Planner (2001- present), Lecturer (07/1999-10/2002)



1.   Research on Key Technology  of Rural Infrastructure and public service facility Layout,  Mega-projects of National Key Technology R&D Program for the 11th  Five-year Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China  (2007.01-2010.12,Team coordinator of Tsinghua University)

2.   Research on the  Development Model Transition and the Progress of Sciences of Human  Settlements. Advisory project of Chinese Academy of Sciences.(2008-2010,  Scientific Secretary)

3.   Research on Urban and  Rural Development and Coordination in the Perspective of Sciences of  Human Settlements. Advisory project of Chinese Academy of  Engineering.(2008-2010, Scientific Secretary)

4.   Pilot Research on the  Scientific Values of the Innovation and Creation of Ancient Human  Settlements as Cultural Heritage. Research project of China Cultural  Heritage Bureau(2008.01-2009.01, Deputy coordinator)

5.  Feasibility Study on  Exploration and Exhibition of Ancient Human Settlement. Research project  of China Cultural Heritage Bureau(2007.8-2008.06, Deputy coordinator)

6.   Disciplinary Cluster  Building Project for Beijing Urban Planning, Construction and  Management. Research Project of Beijing Municipal Commission of  Education.(2006.03-2009.05, participator)

7.   Study on the Planning  Institution and Environment for Mega-city Region. Research project of  NSFC.(2006.01-2008.12, participator)

8.   Research on the  Architectural Environment Planning and Landscape design of the Main  Route in the Middle Line of the South to North Water Transfer Project,  China. Research project of the Construction Administration Bureau of the  Main Route in the Middle Line of SNWTP. (2006.8-2008.3, Deputy  coordinator)

9.   Research on Preservation  and Construction of Cultural Environment along the Grand Canal in the  Process of Eastern line of the South to North Water Transfer Project of  China. Research Project of the Office of the SNWTP, State Department of  PRC. (2005.10-2006.12, Project Leader)

10.  Research on the Rural and  Urban Spatial Development Planning for Greater Beijing Region(the second  phase), Research Project of IAUS, Tsinghua University.(2006, Principal  member of the team)

11.  Studies of the Cultures of  Cities in the process of China Urbanization. Research project of Chinese  Academy Engineering. (2004-2005, Principal member of the team)

12.  Strategic Research on City  Development and Urbanization, the 11th Topic of Strategic Research of  State Plans for Medium and Long-term Development of Science and  Technology, Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology,  China.(2003, participator)

13.  Research on Regional  Innovative Milieu: Physical Support and Institutional Design. Project of  Fundamental Research of Tsinghua University(2003-2004, Project Leader)

14.  Urban Strategic Planning  for Weishan, Shandong Province. Research project of the Weishan Urban  Planning Bureau(2008.07-2009.02, Project Leader)

15.  Strategic Research on  Spatial Development Planning for Nanjing city in Jiangsu Province.  Research project of Nanjing City Planning Bureau(2007.7-2008.3, Project  Leader)

16.  Strategic Research on  Spatial Development Planning for Dandong City in Liaoning Province.  Research project of Dandong Urban and Rural Planning  Bureau(2006.7-2007.12, Project Leader)

17.  Research on the Central  District Planning for Pizhou New City, Jiangsu Province. Research  project of Pizhou City Planning Bureau, Jiangsu Province(2006.04-08,  Project Leader)

18.  Beijing Master Plan  Revised (2004-2020). Project of Capital Planning Commission of  Beijing(2004, participator)

19.  Strategic Research on  Spatial Development Planning for Tianjin City. Research project of  Tianjin City Planning Bureau(2004, participator)

20.  Strategic Research on  Spatial Development Planning for Beijing. Research project of Capital  Planning Commission of Beijing(2003, participator)




Introduction  to Regional Planning (2002-present, 30 students in autumn)

Introduction  to Urban Geography (2002-present, 30 students in autumn)

Introduction  to Urban Geography and Regional Planning (1999-2001, 30 students in  autumn)


Joint-teaching  (05/2005-06/2005), Dortmund University, Germany




The 4th World  Urban Forum (WUF4), Nanjing, China, 2008

Annual Meeting  of World Society of Ekistics (WSE), Nanjing, 2008

Construction  Industry Forum between Mainland and Hong Kong, Changsha, 2007

The 3rd World  Urban Forum (WUF3), Vancouver, 2006

The 201st  Xianshan Science Seminar, Beijing, 2003

Social organization

Member of  Youth Affairs Committee, China Urban Planning Society

Member of  International Society of City and Regional Planning (ISOCARP)

Member of  World Society of Ekistics (WSE)

Member of  Beijing Urban Scientific Research Society

Member of the  3rd Council, China Territorial Economic Society



Journal papers

1.   WU Tinghai (2008),  Practice of Regional Planning in Contemporary China and its Values.  China City Planning Review, Vol.17, No.4, 2008

2.   WU Tinghai (2008). On  Professor Wu Liangyong’s Theories about Human Settlement Science.  Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, No.2 Vol.1: 233-268

3.   WU Tinghai (2007).  Perspective of China’s Regional Spatial Planning System in New Ear.  Urban Planning Review, No.7 Vol.31: 39-46

4.   WU Tinghai (2006). On  Regional Concept of Zhang Jian. Urban Planning Review, No.4 Vol.30:  17-22, 2

5.   WU Tinghai; DAI Wusan  (2005). A Pilot Study on the Spirit of JIANG RENYING GUO and Its  Background. Urban Planning Review, No.2 Vol.29: 52-58

6.   WU Liangyong, WU Tinghai  (2003).The Emergence of Strategic Plan and Action Plan in China Urban  Spatial Development. Urban Planning Review, No.12 Vol.27: 13-17

7.    WU Tinghai, LU qin, BU hua  (2003). Culturally Thinking on the Development of Suzhou in the  Globalization. Urban Planning Review, No.8 Vol.27: 61-63

8.   WU Tinghai. Leaving  Periphery and Constructing Center: The Strategic Choice for the Urban  Development of Xuzhou. In: Modern Urban Research, Vol.18, Nov.3, 2003

9.    WU Tinghai. A Geographical  Study on Urban Spatial Development in Western Zhou Dynasty. In: History  of Architecture, Vol.19, 2003, China Machine Press

10.  WU Liangyong, WU Tinghai  (2002). Study on the spatial development and Coordination of City  Region: As the Case of Shanghai and its Environs. Urban Planning Review,  No.12 Vol.26: 18-21

Selected conference proceedings

1.     Progress in Urban and  Regional Form Studies in Europe and USA. Special Lecture on Urban  Planning and Construction Forum between Mainland and Hongkong. Ministry  of Construction, People’s Government of Hunan Province and the  Development Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special  Administrative Region. Changsha,2007.11.07-09

2.     Progress of Sciences of  Human Settlements in the Process of Rapid China Urbanization. Invited  Speech on Swedish Forum, The 3rd World Urban Forum (WUF3), Vancouver,  2006.19-23


1.   WU Tinghai. Regional  Planning in Modern China. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press,2006

2.   WU Tinghai ZHANG Min,  Huang He (2008). Status and Prospect on Urban Culture Study. In: China  Urban Science Association eds.. Report on Advances in Urban Science.  Beijing: China Science and Technology Press: 145-160

3.   WU Tinghai. On Professor  Wu Liangyong's Theories about Sciences of Human Settlements. In: GU  Chaolin Ed. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning Studies, No.2, Vol.  1, 2008

4.   Executive Editor, Journal  of Urban and Regional Studies. Sponsored by School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, and Published by Commercial Press

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